Thursday, September 1, 2011


DEAR READERS, in-between rain periods (very welcome, as Corning is suffering a 'mini-drought') work is continuing of the deck extension project. As this is central to reshaping the house, other work on the interior has seen a lull. Since my last post, a floor for the potting room has been poured, incorporating a radiant heating loop. Daniel, the Contractor, is about to commence the timber construction that will result in the deck. This will include the descending stairs leading to the outside doorway of the potting room, and stairs going up to the deck. This result in a proper rear entrance from the back yard.

It has been quite fun to stand within the foundation walls, on the new floor, and imagine how the room will be. I imagine myself working there in the coming Spring, light streaming in, in pleasant warmth. Quickly I saw three of four black plastic 50 gallon barrels filled with water to conserve heat from the day to be dispersed through the night. Very likely I will tile the floor with reddish brown tiles. How pleasant one's conversation with the house!

Meanwhile, we confronted quite a problem with the fill (that heap of white stuff from out of the hole). We thought it just a matter of carting it away; however, no one wanted it except at a high price to take it (a very high price). Hmm...what to do? Finally, I recalled thinking how, each time I walk around the side of the house, how much I need a broad, level surface. Why not take off the top soil and bury the fill on one side of the house? We settled on the West side. where we were reasonably sure no services were connected. The next day three machines were at work, moving the fill, spreading soil and tamping down the earth.

In short order, the job got done and all the fill is now buried at the side of the house and very glad we all were to have it so. The fill was most likely residue from the manufacture of corelle crockery and who knows what elements and compounds it might contain. Buried it was, briefly saw the light and now...buried once more.

With that bit of anxiety behind, we are now ready to begin the construction of the deck itself. Daniel will start of this tomorrow (September 2nd.). Now I have to settle how to proceed with the revision of the heating/hot water system and get back to removing dry wall.

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