Tuesday, January 1, 2013


THE ROOF IS DONE:  Just a brief report and to let you know that, this New Year's Day 2013, I have survived 2012 and am alive and well.  

Despite diffuculties weather-wise, Daniel has used brief windows of opportunity to install the new roof.  Here are some pics:

The first shows how batons or furlings are fixed to the existing roof (by screws through to the roof trusses) and then the roof segments screwed to the batons. Each seam of the roof overlays the preceeding member, clipping to it by means of interlocking ridges.  And so on, across the width of the roof, with no nails or screws visible, all hidden beneath each seam.

This is a view of the southern half of the roof

And here the front, or northern roof.

My friend Uma, having viewed the roof, commented that it has the effect of making the house seem larger.  This may be due to the polar white color bonded to the metal.

There are not many metal roofs in Corning

Since the work was completed, just after Christmas we had a good snow fall. This is the view from the rear alley.

We have discovered that the roof is quite slippery so far as snow is concerned so that, when the temperature rises, despite the low pitch, it quickly sheds the load of snow.  As Daniel lwas leaving after an inspection, the entire covering of snow came off the rear roof.  Most had gone from off the front, so the roof was bare of snow, unlike the more usual roofs all about.

So, my friends, you have seen as much of the new roof as have I.  In three weeks, I will be winging my way back to the US and, after one or two visits on the west side and in Colorado, I will be back in Corning to see it all for myself, on February 8th.  Health and Happiness to all of you for 2013.