Thursday, May 31, 2012



The Sun-room/Potting-room is complete.  Both tiling and trim have been done, so have a look.  The room has turned out very well, far better than I had hoped and a far cry from the simple lower rear entrance into the laundry than I had originally envisaged.  The first picture looks to the South West while the second looks more to the East.  The orange trim panels were cunningly done but I will spare you the details.

I suppose that, one day, I will really hang out the washing on an outdoor clothes line.  Being just myself, I do several small washes a week and these dry well enough on an indoor clothes horse.  I use the dryer to remove wrinkles and soften the fabric.  This has worked well all through the Winter and Spring. However, the warmer air is also more moist so I may yet have the clothes flapping in the breeze outside.  All of which accords with my intention to minimize energy consumption.

I love the convenience of the lower entry as well as two entries from off the deck.  Sometimes I wonder, 'What is the shortest way out?' but I am getting used to it.  This room is very efficient  thermally speaking and is always cooler than the ambient air by day and warmer at night.  As you can see, I am well pleased with it all.

Even though I have turned on the heat in the floor only once experimentally, I can see that this will make for a great room in the Winter.  Of course it will also function as a mudroom in the wetter months and forms an airlock prior to entering the laundry/work room area.  Then the colors in the walls and tiles will make it a cheerful place indeed.

 I know you will like the tiles so I am adding a picture that will do the floor justice.  As you may have worked out for yourself, this picture was taken prior to the final trim.

In order to complete the floor trim in the bedroom, I have painted and trimmed out the shore passageway connecting this room with the general living area.  After entering the front door, one goes up a shore flight of stairs to this passageway and directly into the living area.

 Today I began painting the ceiling in this room so the next posting will be about that work.  Anyway, here is the pic of the tile job.  I hope you like it.  I got lots of cheap fawn (desert like) tiles at sale and my friend Uma gave me some  red and green tiles from her store renovation.  The problem was to find a pattern that would accommodate these 18  into the 100 lighter colored tiles.  Eventually I started  in the centre, beginning with a fawn tile and proceeding outwards in a roughly helical manner.  Every odd numbered space was for an Uma-tile; if a prime number, a red tile, otherwise a green tile.  It has a sort-of-random effect and most have found it quite pleasing.

Meanwhile, for the next week, the order of the day is painting the living area.  Although the cooking area occupies one corner, I will leave this to the last.  Until the next posting!