Thursday, October 6, 2011


the end is in sight! With just a week or so before I head off for Australia, it looks as if all the outside work will be in hand. The deck is completed, as also the stairs leading up to it and a smaller set leading down to the entrance of the 'potting room', and the patio doors are installed.
When I recall how the rear of the house looked I am amazed at the change. Here is a 'before' photo to refresh your memories.

And now a pic taken this evening (October 6) of the current state of construction. You may notice that the windows have been installed in the room beneath the deck. There are two more on the eastern side of this room. so plenty of light and heat will enter from the early morning to fairly late in the evening, particularly when the leaves fall from the trees bordering the rear lane, when the sun is lower to the horizon.

It is really starting to look like a house to be lived in! Ray, the heating man, is 99% done with some final bits awaiting the completion of the interior of the 'potting room'. Every thing is working well; just as well as with clear skies at night, temperature is descending to hear freezing presently. The heating (by hot water baseboard units in each room) is divided into three zones, one of which is the radiant heat floor in this room, each with its own thermostat. I now refer to the 'potting room' somewhat tongue in cheek. As it will be fully lined, the floor heated and tiled, and with so much light entering, it clearly is shifting in conception to a sun room. Daniel, the contractor, thinks I will spend a major part of my time there during the winter months.

Finally, in this posting, here is a look at the deck. This has been an exciting project beyond my imagination and my satisfaction with it continues to mount. Remaining work is cutting a doorway from the sun-room into the laundry. This will have a door with a half window while the outside door will the fully glazed. Then remain the lining, dry-walling the western end wall and the ceiling, wiring electrical outlets, and some plumbing edits.

It will be a wonderful addition, especially in the Winter and Spring.

While I away (until after Christmas). Daniel will complete the demolition of the wall between the breakfast room and the living room, after strengthening the roofing frames, as well as some dry-wall repairs. The recent incessant and heavy rains have revealed some roof leaks that need fixing. Hopefully, when I return, there will be lots of work for me in the way of painting, renewing the floors, and chasing down air-leaks in the structure.